My dad. My inspiration. The little things about him are the big ways I still feel his love almost 20 years after he passed away unexpectedly- little things I remember, little ways I feel connected to him still: Lake Geneva sunsets, walks on beach, pennies from heaven, songs playing on the radio at the perfect time… dreams… I can feel a hug…
April 19, 2004… my life changed in an instant when he passed. He was the strongest and smartest person I knew, and I couldn’t wrap my head around this grief taking over my spirit. The loss made an imprint on my heart, one I have filled with hope and connection to him in the way his love and spirit lives on and inspires me. I knew I couldn't let go. And that I didn’t have to. I just had to find new ways of living with his spirit. Instead of learning to live without my dad, I learned to live with his love shining through me, giving me strength and hope.
It quickly became my passion to find tangible ways to celebrate hard anniversaries and holidays with my family. I wanted my children to grow up knowing his spirit, even if they had not known him, feeling grateful that his love surrounds us instead of only sad that his body was gone. There are reminders that he’s with us always, signs. Reminders ARE the signs. We look for them every day and find comfort knowing the little ways he is with our whole family. We are together at peace with Papa.
Over the years, I have created philanthropic projects and hosted events with family and friends to create community, honoring all of our loved ones who have passed away. Together at Peace is a place to connect and to inspire others to share the light that still shines in their lives and spread it too. Inspiring hope in the every day after a loved one passes away - for you, for them, for us. We are in this together. We are Together at Peace.
Together at peace
Healing heart
A penny, a rainbow
We're never apart
Heavenly messages
Unique and divine
Special blessings
Hopeful signs
- Christine Marzullo -
The Together at Peace Foundation was founded to fill a two-part gap in the bereavement experience, which is dramatically underfunded and under-supported.
First, it is the place where we come together in comfort- inspiring and helping us spread the unique love we share. Even after life, they stay with us in our hearts, where the love grows forever.
Next, it is the place we can come together in community to do good in their honor in support of bereavement care efforts.
There is an unparalleled strength in togetherness. Whether that comes down to healing and hope or raising funds to help support bereavement care efforts- there is power in community.

We offer suggestions, templates and products to help you carry on your connection to them in a new way. We do not communicate or contact, It’s all about learning to live with them in a new way by honoring all the little things you love and still share.
Together at Peace is a community for connection. We are not professional counselors or licensed therapists and believe you should absolutely seek help and support during the grieving process. Our mission is to share comforting ways to honor our loved ones after they pass- however short or long ago the loss.
At this time we only offer templates and inspiration.
Reminders are the signs- start looking for them every day. It's comforting and uplifting to find- The little things are the little signs, and they are unique for everyone. The next time your loved one comes to mind just look around, and you will see or feel the sign.